What Makes Quoll Different?

Impact Intelligence is Climate 2.0

While climate science and satellite imagery are ubiquitous in the market, on their own they cannot determine the real world impact of climate risk. They are among the many inputs that go into determining how risk translates into dollars and cents. 


Quoll is not a traditional climate analysis, but rather an analysis of what happens when you apply climate risk to real world assets and markets. It is the operationalization of climate risk in this fast evolving world.

Impact Intelligence Requires Unifying and Building Upon Disparate Datasets

Climate Science
Building and Property Data
Housing Market Data
Economic and Pricing Data
Resilience Strategies
Goods and Services Costs

Determining how climate will impact a home and market is incredibly complex and requires unifying data into a singular process. Each of these inputs is important and valuable in their own right, but brought together they are greater than the sum of their parts.

Each of these datasets must be highly localized to each home and market in order to be valuable for modeling climate impact.

Select Data Sources We Utilize

Our World is Interconnected and Climate Impact is No Different

A home may face higher insurance rates due to disasters in its area, even if the home itself was not affected. Its value may go down if the local economy suffers. Conversely, higher physical risk may be hidden by a more resilient market and prove less of a value drag.

The permutations of how a singular home and the market can have outcomes affected by events within it and around it are endless.

Quoll Intelligence™ models this interconnectedness. The future of a home cannot be detached from what is around it, just as the future of a market cannot be determined without examining what is within it. 

Impact is Neither Static Nor Immutable

The impact of climate risk is constantly evolving as climate volatility intensifies. It must be consistently tracked as part of a long-term strategy. 

Just as impact is fluid, so too is the ability to shape that impact. Quoll models not only impact “as is”, but recommends targeted strategies for limiting that impact, both physically and financially.